Hyperbole... or BS? let's call it like it is.

Guess what Reader!

This is BS --->

"If you read the rest of this email and do the one thing I say, and buy the thing I am selling - you will have 95% direct bookings by the end of 2022 - Guaranteed!.

I promise. It's so easy. Anyone can do it, but I guarantee you this is the one thing you haven't thought of yet. And all you have to do is buy the thing I am selling and you can do it, just like the other 8,500 people who already bought the thing I'm selling."


I see these (and get these) emails and Facebook posts and LinkedIn messages a lot from people who are trying to sell their knowledge and services. They are in every industry. I get it. It's a competitive world out there.

But, I grew up next door to a Dairy Farm and that smells like a bunch of BS πŸ’©.

I don't appreciate BS. And I don't think my clients will either.

So, one of the values I hold in my business is - NO BS! I will not lie to you about how easy it is to book direct or build an email list. I will not lie to you and tell you all you need is to learn one more thing or buy a great website or whatever.

Defining your values is a SUPER important part of building a strong foundation in your hospitality business.

Values build trust with your customers (your guests and owner clients).

This is the "why is this important?" part of this email.

People want to do business with people. And people have values. So should your business.

So... what are your business values?

You should think about them. Know them. Write them down. Put them on your website. (I put a few of mine on my website's about me page)

Values help guide your guest experience. They guide your mission. They are part of your business story. They are a HUGE part of your brand. They tell your guest, clients, area businesses and even employees that you work hard for a purpose.

Many owners and PM's I've worked with haven't defined their business values at all because it does take some thought.

Here's a few you could try on for size.

  • Exceptionalism: provide exceptional service and work to exceed expectations of homeowners and guests
  • Community: Create connections with the community we are part of and promote ethical tourism and growth.
  • Sustainability: Work to help protect the environment by being energy efficient in our homes, using environmentally safe cleaning products and donate to environmentalal causes.
  • Safety
  • Cleanliness
  • Quality
  • Affordability
  • Charity / Giving
  • Diversity / inclusion


I hope you will pause and reflect for awhile on your business values. Then, add them to your website's "About" page. Then, email them to me so I know what an awesome host you are!

Then, make sure they guide you as you build a guest-first experience, grow your brand, hire new employees, make investments in your property...

I have an EPIC blog post about vacation rental branding if you want to check out more info on the subject.


Other items to note

the Book Direct Show is fast approaching. Make it a thing! I'll be there and I would love to say hi.

I would love to know more about the content I can provide in these newsletters, on my blog and on my social media pages. Can you fill out this quick form (and I'll send a free gift based on your choices.)

See ya later alligator (my daddy used to say that to me)



PS - My 2023 Social Media Suitcase PLUS is now open for your content planning pleasure. Check it out. There's two payment options and it is FULL of good stuff with more to come.

PSS - I was out of work for 2 weeks sick with the dreaded covid so I'm just catching up with life and work. Next month I'll try to send this out twice!


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