
The Savvy Host Roundup - Weekly Tips, Tools & Tidbits For Vacation Rental Hosts

I’m known for helping vacation rental hosts build and market their business and create amazing guest experiences, creating elevated, book-direct websites and my NO BS advice… plus my Texas accent and lab pup Jolenee!

A New Years story that stands the test of time!

Happy New Year, Reader! My Daddy grew up on a black-eyed pea, watermelon and sweet potato farm in East Texas that belonged to my Granny’s Grandfather!! By the late 1930s, my Grandaddy who was a sharecropper before he married Granny, was known far and wide to have some of the best peas and watermelons around. Daddy remembers driving their old 50 Model Ford as soon as he could drive to all the local markets, including the Dallas Farmer’s Market, where people were clambering for Ewell Tidwell’s...

I am now best friends with the General Manager of Walmart in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.

Hi Reader! Here's an amazing example of EXCELLENT customer service. Recently, my baby girl, Kati, moved to Mississippi, near her boyfriend's parents. I was devestated. She's 20, my baby. And we are very very close. See already lived about an hour away and was planning to move back closer very soon. but THE BOYFRIEND changed her mind. Yeseterday, she called me very upset. She had placed a grocery deliver order with Walmart. It was the first time they had enough money for a large order and she...

Hyperbole... or BS? let's call it like it is.

Guess what Reader! This is BS ---> "If you read the rest of this email and do the one thing I say, and buy the thing I am selling - you will have 95% direct bookings by the end of 2022 - Guaranteed!. I promise. It's so easy. Anyone can do it, but I guarantee you this is the one thing you haven't thought of yet. And all you have to do is buy the thing I am selling and you can do it, just like the other 8,500 people who already bought the thing I'm selling." UGH I see these (and get these)...

I missed the Queen's Funeral... and a special invitation!

I AM SO BAD AT TIME ZONES. You would think after years of having calls with people all over the world, I would be better. But, Alas. I can't get it straight in my head. The other morning I set my alarm to get up extra early to watch the Queen's funeral with my bff David Muir on ABC News. I was very proud of myself for figuring out exactly when it would air. WRONG. I was an hour off. As in EARLY. (I'm usually late) So, I cuddled up in bed with my coffee and the dogs to wait. And...woke up...

This Airbnb would definitely be "CHOPPED" from my list + email marketing tips!

Hi there! WOW, My first newsletter went out a couple of weeks ago and I got a ton of positive feedback. That makes me incredibly happy! I had great open rates, click through rates and even a few unsubscribes. Read further down below for what those rates mean and why you should understand them. But first things first Check this out - my latest Airbnb fiasco! I visit vacation rentals often. In fact, my husband and I travel for his work, for my work (when I visit client properties) and for fun...

Toolbox | My FAVORITE Blogging Tool - Don't Miss it!

Hey Reader, Last year I found an amazing tool on AppSumo to help me write client blog posts for their vacation rental blog and other content for their websites. Even though I love to write, especially articles about things to do in fun destinations, sometimes it is hard. Especially when you have a deadline or are writing several at one time. Note - This deal is no longer on sale through AppSumo - If you are interested in purchasing or trying it out, you can find it here - wordhero Enter,...

Got 5 minutes? Here's a quick tip!

Hey there Reader I feel like everyone I talk to lately is super busy playing catch up after the holidays and preparing for a hopefully busy 2022. Some of us are too busy to sit down and take time to make your marketing a priority. It just seems like there is so much to do - creating content, sharing social media posts, refreshing your website, starting a regular email newsletter... That's what's been on my list, along with finishing up a few websites and creating content for clients + and...