Got 5 minutes? Here's a quick tip!

Hey there Reader

I feel like everyone I talk to lately is super busy playing catch up after the holidays and preparing for a hopefully busy 2022.

Some of us are too busy to sit down and take time to make your marketing a priority.

It just seems like there is so much to do - creating content, sharing social media posts, refreshing your website, starting a regular email newsletter...

That's what's been on my list, along with finishing up a few websites and creating content for clients + and adding this month's lesson to my group mentorship. (the things that actually make money!)

But, starting a regular email newsletter is a huge priority for me this year and it should be for you.

Did you know email marketing is still one of the BEST ways to get traffic to your website and generate bookings?

It's also one of the simplest and least time consuming.

But, you have to do it right.

I have a few tips you can use to create better emails, but my #1 Tip is to set up a simple "Welcome" email series for your new subscribers.

If you have a lead magnet on your website (a free offer, guide or incentive for signing up) then you should already have an email automation set up for them to receive the thing you promised.

Take 3-5 minutes and make sure your email welcomes your new prospect. You want to be friendly, offer help and let them know about your perfect property for their perfect stay without overpitching.

Plus, you really want to get that first connection. And you can do that not by sending them to your website, but by asking them to reply to your email.

Just a quick line at the end "are you planning to visit ....., let me know when and I can give you a few good ideas for things to do during your trip."

So, head on over to your email marketing platform and create a simple "welcome" message.

If you want some input from me, just reply to this message and send me your copy and I'll give you some feedback on it.

Have a great weekend,


I also have a great blog post on my website you can read if you want to soak a bit more email marketing knowledge up.

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